Bunk'Art 2 is a street art installation in Ohrid. This place has 1181 reviews and an average rating of 4.5 of 5. This is a great rating.
Reviews from visitors:
Can't miss this. If you want a great rundown of Albanian history within the last couple hundred year this is the place. Experiencing the atmosphere of the bunker was awesome.
Interesting museum about the history. Didn’t say much about bunker tho. The music makes the place a bit spooky and disturbing from reading. And the English translation is a bit messed up, make the content difficult to read.
Entrance is 500 LEK, roughly 4 Euros. I recommend around 1h to see everything. It's bigger than it looks from outside. A lot about history, really good sections explaining everything in englisht, totally recommend to visit.
Cool museum that gives you the chilli feeling and atmosphere of nuclear cold war... Also a lot of modern history of Albania is shown there.
This is a neat museum. Cost is 500 Lek. Had several large areas to explore as well as mini-exhibits with English explanations. Takes less than 30 minutes, but definitely worth checking out
2 Kalaja e Tiranës

3 Mezuraj Museum

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