URBAN GALLERY is a street art installation in 5th arr. in Paris. This place has 11 reviews and an average rating of 4.3 of 5. This is a good rating.
Reviews from visitors:
Art was great however it is not a gallery just a small shop with around 5 peices of art, we paid 30€ taxi to get here expecting a big art gallery
Fun place to check out!
Very nice gallery, welcoming staff, accessible and very good advice, contrasting with the icy atmosphere of some other Parisian art galleries. Thank you again for this very enriching exchange! Can't wait to hang my new acquisition!
Superb Gallery, the exhibition of works is very neat
Notice to JORGE ORELLANA BENADO #lescouleursdelamemoire
To your attention your comment is shameful, fallacious and not revealing of the reality of what this gallery and its collaborator represent.
You cannot judge this seasoned professional, who is also extremely courteous to clients or a simple visitor.
You seem to be an artist or in the making, know that your attitude of denigration under the ease and the so easy and cowardly shield of social networks is not customary here when it is not justified. And that is exactly the case here.
Good luck
2 Fresque street art PichiAvo

3 Street Art Fresque Graffiti Chat Rose

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