This is a toplist with the best street art near Sé, Porto. You can help to make this list better by voting for your favourite places!
2 Street art "AN.FI.TRI.ÃO", de Frederico Draw

Someone posted that the mural is not there and, it is in fact still there.
3 Perspéntico, o Gato-Cidade

A mural by the Galician artist Liqen entitled "Perspéntico" (name that comes from the combination of the words "perspective" and "esperpentico"). It is a painting in which Oporto is represented as a city in movement, symbolically portrayed as a "cat-city".
Located on Rua Afonso Martins Alho, a crossroad to Rua das Flores and known as "the smallest street of Porto" since it is only 30 meters long.
The metaphor compares the city to the animal, known for its curiosity, agility and cunning, able to discover all corners and still lives up to the personality that gives its name to the street. Afonso Martins Alho was a 14th century Portuguese merchant who, through his sagacity and ability to negotiate, inspired the Portuguese expression “fino como um alho” that can be roughly translated as "thin as a garlic" (alho=garlic).
4 Porto in Art

Coffee+Porto=1€! Beautiful place full of art and great river view. Perfect place for a coffee and a sandwich or a little drink! Best value!
6 Graffiti Hazul MrDheo

Belíssimo mural de dois artistas de grafitti, na parede lateral do parque de estacionamento da Trindade, bem visível para quem se movimenta na zona, não só pela qualidade do trabalho mas também pela sua extensão. Enquanto o da direita é da autoria do assim designado Mr Dheo e intitulado 'Porto Nobre e Leal' o da esquerda é da autoria de Hazul, e intitula-se 'A Invicta'.
8 Mural Streetart "Mira", de Daniel Eime

Mural or graffiti that presides over this small square. I loved it
9 Bordalo II half rabbit

Amazing piece of 3D street art entitled Half Rabbit in Vila Nova de Gaia, worth seeing with your own eyes. Made of waste materials by Portuguese artist Bordalo.
10 Street Art Gaia

Street art made from garbage, prepared and placed against a facade. A rabbit of two floors high. GRANDIOOS. See the closeus of the material.
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Or have a look at the best street art in all of Porto!