This is a toplist with the best street art near Cerqueira César, Sao Paulo. You can help to make this list better by voting for your favourite places!
2 Saphira & Ventura Gallery | São Paulo

O local é muito bom, tem exposições tematicas,e um restaurante integrado com comidas que acompanham o tema.
3 Expo Art SP

Comecei a frequentar a Expo Art desde a 14º. Recebi de um amigo o convite. E desde que fui me apaixonei pelo local e as artes. Muita diversidade de artes, estatuas, artes de soldas, gravuras, fotos,....
Muitas cores e expressões modelos. Vários artistas divulgando suas artes e expressões.
além de ficar em um dos cartões postais de São Paulo, na Oscar Freire.
@expoart @expoartsaopaulo #expoart #exposição #exposicao #arte #art #artista #escultura #foto #photo #fotoarte #photoart #oscarfreire
5 Urban Arts - Oscar Freire

Profissionais super capacitados, muitíssimo atenciosos! Em uma semana que passei por SP, tive o prazer em conhecer esta galeria, da qual faço parte do time de artistas.
7 Casa Triângulo

A fantastic art gallery where the work of great contemporary artists is shown. Worth a visit every month, when they change the exhibitions. Very well located, the staff is always very helpful.
8 Museum of Art of São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand

The downstairs portion was quite fascinating with all of the different paintings as well as after the first few rows of the upstairs. The first few rows upstairs was all trying to make some sort of political statement (which is not what attracts me to art/museums). Other than this, the staff was lovely and museum was great!
Want more? Let me help you find the best street art in the area of Jardins or Avenida Paulista or Jardim Paulista.
Or have a look at the best street art in all of Sao Paulo!
Or have a look at the best street art in all of Sao Paulo!