This is a toplist with the best street art near Sint-Gillis / Saint-Gilles, Brussels. You can help to make this list better by voting for your favourite places!
2 La Patrouille des Castors - Mur BD - Street Art

Glad to see this mural clean even though its located at a low height, without any horrid graffiti!
4 Macadam gallery

If you are looking for one-of-a-kind contemporary artwork and elegance, this gallery is the place to be. It brings together the best Brussels artistic talents, from street art, painting to sculpture. An artistic island chz fits well in the heart of the flea and antiques district.
5 Window Street-Art

Early French govt had window tax which made many to brick-up and decorate their windows. It later became a style of construction. This building has 12 such decorated faux-windows.

Nice little art gallery that I enjoyed. I like these smaller galleries cause there are almost like a walking-in "shop". So you can enjoy art without spending a lot of time. People should take a couple of minutes to do so more often. Time well spend.
9 Léonard - Mur BD - Street Art

Leonardo Da Vinci is painting the Palace du Justice on a canvas. The Palace du Justice is in the background! Perfect location for the mural!
11 Odilon Verjus - Mur BD - Street Art

One of the most interesting views of the city. A panorama from the bottom up. The mural plays with reality and mentions history, fitting perfectly with the surrounding environment. This work, like others, enhances the streets of the city.
12 Attitude Brussels

Superb gallery, very beautiful space, very nice selection of artists.
Want more? Let me help you find the best street art in the area of Louise or Midi District or Chatelain.
Or have a look at the best street art in all of Brussels!
Or have a look at the best street art in all of Brussels!